Seamless Gutters
Gutters are formed at the job site.
- We use .032 thickness aluminum coil for our K-style gutters for added strength, with over fifty colors to choose from.
- Whenever possible, the gutters are fastened using heavy-duty Raytec Hangtite™ hidden brackets, which are screwed with No. 12 x 1 1/2″ screws into the fascia every two feet. On metal roofs we use 2 1/2″ or 3″ screws every 16 inches.
- When aligning the gutters, we use a level to be sure that the gutters will drain properly.
- Gutters are installed year-round, weather permitting.
- Corners are made using strip miters fastened with pop rivets (no ugly screw heads showing) and sealed. Strip miter corners are not as prone to splitting with freezing and thawing as box miter corners.

An example of an inside strip miter
For most applications we use the larger 3″ x 4″ downspout to quickly eliminate rain water from the gutters. Also available are the smaller size of 2″ x 3″ and the industrial size of 4″ x 5″ (limited colors) for commercial buildings.
Hinged Extension Flip Ups
Make yard care and trimming faster and easier with downspout extension flip-up hinges. To avoid damage, the downspout extension folds up and attaches to the downspout to keep it out of the way while mowing or trimming . A little tug and it is back in position to drain.
When problems arise, not all gutter systems need replacing; sometimes a small repair or replacement is all that is needed. We will give you our recommendation along with a free estimate.